Web3Modal AUTH

Web3Modal preview

Web3Modal: Simple, intuitive wallet login. With this drop-in UI SDK, enable any wallet's users to seamlessly log in to your app and enjoy a smooth, unified experience.

Streamlined wallet selection interface. Automatic detection of mobile, extension, desktop, and web app wallets, with all available options presented together for better usability.
User onboarding interface. Step-by-step guidance that helps users get started with a wallet.
Illustration explaining concepts of crypto wallets
Multi-chain ready. Designed to work with EVM and non-EVM chains.
Polkadot logoEthereum logoPolygon logo
Optimism logoAvalanche logo
Near logoSolana logoCosmos logo

Industry-leading wallet support.

Spot logoRainbow logoTrust logoZerion logoKeyring logoSpot logoRainbow logoTrust logoZerion logoKeyring logo
MetaMask logoCoinbase logoArgent logoImToken logoSafe logoMetaMask logoCoinbase logoArgent logoImToken logoSafe logo
Bitski logoLedger logoOmni logoAlpha logoTokenPocket logoBitski logoLedger logoOmni logoAlpha logoTokenPocket logo
Connect with MetaMask, Coinbase, and many more.
WalletConnect Cloud badge
Feature-rich account view. All the information your users want and need, including ENS domain resolution, token balance view, links to Etherscan, and transaction history and filtering.
Builtins illustration 2.198 ETH 8088.84 USD
Customizable Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Your terms, tailored for your users.
WalletConnect legal modal
Broad framework support. Build with React, Vue and HTML.
React logoJs logoVue logoAngular logo
The WalletConnect Blockchain API. Instant read-write access to 25+ networks with zero configuration thanks to our built-in RPC.
Blockchain illustrationBlockBlockBlockBlockBlockBlock
CDN support. More choices for package hosting to improve developer workflows.
Sign sdk logoAuth sdk logoPush sdk logo
Made for mobile. Build in React Native, Swift, Kotlin, and Flutter to bring alive your natively mobile experience on Android or iOS.
React Native logoSwift logoKotlin logoFlutter logo
A unified experience. The same frictionless UX across iOS, Android, and desktop.
Mobile view


Our community means everything to us. Whether you have a feature to suggest, a bug to report, or just want to share your version of Web3Modal, we want to hear from you!

3d hands3d zombie hands